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Logos Theology Is the Only Theology
Church of the Eternal Logos makes educational content for Christendom and nonbelievers but approached from an Orthodox Christian perspective.
Topics covered include everything from Christian apologetics, philosophy and theology, to history and mysticism.

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What is “Logos Theology?”
Though much deeper, complicated, and mysterious than anything that can be explicated here, the Logos is the second person of the Trinity, the divine mind and Word of God who incarnated in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Having been a developing philosophical concept among the Greeks, the full revelation as to who and what the Logos is can be found in the opening prologue of the Gospel of John. The Logos is the source of universal order, logic, truth, love, justice, language, archetypes, and all meaning. However, without the Orthodox theology of the energy-essence distinction, the relationship between logoi and Logos, as well as a tripartite anthropology, endless heresies have arisen resulting in improper Christologies, unbalanced Trinities, and endless dialectical tensions. Logos theology then is the Eastern Orthodox theology of Jesus Christ.
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“Only wonder can comprehend His incomprehensible power.”
– St. Maximus the Confessor
Theology of Marriage

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Technofeminism Overview

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How Christianity Civilized the World

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Serbian History and the Orthodox Church

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Stoicism and Orthodox Christianity Review Document

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Mr. Beast and the Pedophile

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Christian Persecution: Shameless Blasphemy at the Olympics and More (2nd Half)

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Blinded by the Stars: Sam Harris, Howard Stern, Schwarzenegger, and More!

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History of Khazars and Ukraine

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The Progressive Regression: Reverting Back to a Pre-Christian World

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Reflecting On Orthodoxy with Fr. Peter Heers

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Who Am I?
Religion Scholar
David Patrick Harry
My name is David Patrick Harry, I'm a PhD student at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA, and I've been studying world religion for the last decade of my life. My undergraduate studies focused on East Asian traditions, specifically Taosim, Buddhism, and Hinduism, while also spending two summers in southern China at Sun-Yat Sen University studying Mandarin. My masters research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign revolved around Early Christianity and psychedelic shamanism. However, my doctoral work focuses on a critical analysis of modern religious trends in America, specifically psychedelic forms of spirituality, but includes New Age religion and the rise in popularity of occultism. If you'd like to learn more feel free to contact me or check out me work on YouTube and various social media platforms.