Logos is Rising
David Patrick Harry
I am a Ph.D. student at the Graduate Theological Union where my research focuses on New Religious Movements and trends within America. In addition to my research into the occult, the New Age, and psychedelic spirituality, I am also a Christian apologist from the Eastern Orthodox tradition.
Born and raised in Indiana, it was at IUPUI (Indianapolis University Purdue University Indianapolis) where I completed my undergraduate studies with a major in Religious Studies, minor in Biology, and academic certificate in Mandarin Chinese. I received my Master’s degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in Religious Studies.
Reimagining Education
One of my main goals for my online content production is to reenvision how education takes place in the 21st century. No longer should knowledge be acquired through high tuition costs from universities where professors speak to students in the confines of classrooms. I want to make my educational material available to the public by way of our modern technological tools. Courses that I would teach during a semester should be available for purchase for a fraction of the cost yet just as impactful and informative as the traditional classroom model.
Life through an Orthodox prism
Everything I teach and educate about is approached from a particular paradigm, as is true with everyone. However, I am very open that first and foremost I am an Orthodox Christian, and when potentially controversial topics arise such as sexual immorality, the multiplicity of genders, or criticisms towards other faith traditions, I am firmly rooted in my specific religious worldview. Christian apologetics is the other side of the coin in regards to my intellectual and educational endeavors.
The Truth of Logos Theology